#002 - If it's scary, you're doing something right

Continuing with the theme of taking chances: whenever I am faced with something new that seems scary for whatever reason, I feel apprehensive. New things can be intimidating. Buying a house, starting a new job or business, writing a blog that nobody yet reads—these are all examples of putting yourself out there where the outcome is unknown.

Since childhood, I have always been more on the risk-averse side. I didn't like jumping off the diving board. I felt scared when I had to go out to the car at night because I forgot my homework. It terrified me to do something I wasn't used to. That is probably normal for most kids, as we all have our own fears.

I can't help but think that some of that has crept into adulthood. Some of it may have more of an impact than I realized. That's okay. The important point is to recognize it, analyze why it makes me feel uncomfortable, and finally decide whether or not it is something I should be afraid of. Most of the time, it isn't.

Most things won't kill you. A lot of what humans are afraid of is the unknown and not the actual thing itself. For example, if I buy this house, will something go terribly wrong that I won't be able to emotionally or financially recover from? Usually, that won't be the case. Can I change my mindset from risk aversion to risk understanding? This way, I have a better grasp of the potential downsides before jumping in.

Businesses and startups have always interested me. I dreamt of striking out on my own and building something that I could be proud of. The risk is that it fails, but that risk exists everywhere. I could fail at being an employee and get fired, but I have worked many 9-5 jobs and never been fired...yet.

If it is scary, you're doing something right. Lean into it.