#003 - How much time do I have?

Now that I don't have a job, my free time is endless. This has been an adjustment, to say the least. As a naturally lazy person, it's been very easy for me to accomplish basically nothing throughout the day. When I was employed, at least 6-8 hours of my day were structured for me. I had meetings, tasks, and all the usual responsibilities that come with a salaried job. It was nice. I woke up, went to the gym, walked my dog, and started my day. When I worked from home, it was enjoyable since I could spend 10-15 minutes every so often walking my dog or cooking something in the kitchen.

However, something was left to be desired. Most days were fine, but I spent a lot of days wondering if I had to do this forever. That scared me. It's probably why, when I got laid off, I didn't feel that much anxiety or disappointment with the situation.

Having too much free time causes anxiety, too, because the possibilities are endless. However, it presents an opportunity (glass half-full thinking there). If you had all the time in the world, what would you do? That is the question I feel I am presented with. Sure, there are responsibilities and obligations in everyone's life, but I have somewhere between 8 and 10 hours every day that I just got back. It's been quite a conundrum.

This blog is the first step in figuring that problem out. In some ways, it's a problem I have had my entire life and will continue to have no matter what. It's a perpetual question for every human being: What should I do with my life? Instead of thinking in a time frame that is almost inconceivable, what if I thought in smaller increments? Rather than thinking in lifetimes, I could think in years, months, or even days. That seems more reasonable. So for now, it's writing a blog post every day (almost).