#004 - Boring means opportunity

As I begin my journey as a chronically unemployed person, I have recently been focusing on boring businesses. In the last 20-30 years, businesses like roofing, plumbing, painting, and other "blue-collar businesses have been looked down upon. For some reason we have been convinced that the only way to be successful is to get a college degree and get a "white-collar" job, e.g. working behind a computer. In my opinion these are the only businesses that actually work and make money.

Blue-collar businesses may not have all the glitz and glamour as internet and technology startups, but they certainly have the wherewithal. These businesses are recession-proof. Think of a roofing company. When a storm comes through your town and rips off half of your roof or all the roofs of your neighbors (more common thank we think), the first call you make is to your local roofing company. When a pipe bursts, the first call is to a plumber (and then your insurance company). These businesses are always in need.

They have a low barrier to entry, but they can have a high success rate with a little bit of hard work and stick-to-itiveness. So, I am on the search for what business might work for me. Stay tuned.