#006 - Just ask

#006 - Just ask

How often have you been scared to ask a question? Throughout my life I have been in situations where I want to ask a question, but don't ask it for fear of looking unintelligent. No matter how many times my parents, teachers, or anyone really told me "ask questions no matter how dumb because someone else probably has the same question." This is uncomfortably true. I still had a fear.

If you want to build any good habit it begins with being consistent. Want to become stronger? Lift weights, eat protein, and gradually increase your workload. Want to improve your writing? Write everyday, proofread, and get others to read and provide feedback. Asking is the same. To become comfortable with asking questions, ask more questions more often.

If you never ask for anything you will never get it. I am a prime offender of that statement. Nothing great will happen if we don't take uncomfortable risks sometimes. Just ask.