#009 - Now, not how

#009 - Now, not how

I read a book recently that had a motivating quote repeated throughout: "now, not how." I enjoy short questions or phrases like this that always ground me when thinking through ideas or problems. When the idea of a blog came to me a few months back, I fell into my usual cycle of questioning. Will it be any good? What's the point if it's not perfect? Is anyone going to read it? All valid questions, but they certainly are not a reason to avoid doing something.

Recently, I have been training myself to react to these questions with the answer, "now, not how." Just get started since that is the most difficult part anyway. If I can get over that initial hump, the hardest part for me is over, and I can start improving immediately. Progress is crucial in the early stages of any idea. Keeping the feedback loop tight allows me to iterate quickly. Instead of the endless negative feedback loop of, "how will this work?" I can focus on more important questions like, what small portion of my posts can be improved each day? Should I add pictures to give the content a visual element? Those are the questions I want to focus on.