#012 - Start early, start often

#012 - Start early, start often

Making lists has been one of my newfound interests. No matter how many times my parents or teachers suggested it in hopes of me dealing with my inattention to details, I have never been consistent about it. I thought I would be able to keep track of everything, even though I almost never have. As life gets more complicated, I realized I need to have some way of keeping myself accountable. Not only accountable to myself, but to my friends, family, and colleagues.

Waking up early and making a list of to-dos for the day gives me a jolt of energy. This helps especially when I don't have the crutch of a 9-5 job that I can lean on to give me things to do. Now it is entirely up to me what I do with my day. A to-do list might help me make sense of what to do with the unlimited free time I find myself with during this period of unemployment.

As I have committed to this blog, I have committed to making to-do lists. Great things have small beginnings. Everyone has to start somewhere, and the key is to show up every day ready with a list.