#014 - No one said it was going to be easy

#014 - No one said it was going to be easy

My goal for this project and any future ones is to try and make progress on it every day. That is a lofty goal. It is incredibly easy to take a day off. I could come up with a myriad of excuses as to why I did not get anything done. I may start another job, have kids, be sick, or even forget about it entirely. That is not an option. The point of starting a project is to complete it.

After day one, it is more of an exercise in trying to hold myself to a goal rather than focusing solely on the project itself. It is a way of keeping myself honest with respect to whether or not the task got done today. From now on, I will add a few bullet points about the progress I made on the application for the day. No matter how small or large the contribution is, it is a matter of showing up, sitting down at the computer, and doing something. It could be fixing a bug, updating documentation, writing code, or doing some research for future features.

This blog, for the foreseeable future, will be an insight into how the build is going. Every day, I have to write an entry on this blog about the progress I have made for the day. Let's see where I can go with it.

Daily summary

Outline of game logic

First iteration of template for the ui

Changed the name of the site to "Crest Quest"