#015 - Trying and failing is better than not trying at all

#015 - Trying and failing is better than not trying at all

I have never been the best programmer. I didn't major in computer science or anything science-related for that matter. My major in college was philosophy, hence the talk about Stoicism every once in a while. When I first started learning how to program, I didn't know what I didn't know. I enjoyed just trying and breaking things for the sake of it. I learned a lot in the first year thanks to this strategy. Somewhere along the way, I stopped tinkering. Maybe because I accomplished my ultimate goal of getting a job as a software developer, I didn't feel the need to keep that muscle of tinkering strong. Unfortunately, this is where I learn the most. Just trying and failing for the sake of it is where innovation lies. With that being said, I didn't make too much progress today, but here is an update.

Daily Summary

Refactored App.js in to components for future encapsulation of logic

Created a logo component and started looking in to how to create an AI generated logo