#017 - Failing to plan is planning to fail

#017 - Failing to plan is planning to fail

As much as I want to jump into writing code every day, I've learned it's more important to have a plan and direction. I'm prone to silly mistakes, so taking the time to plan what I am building will hopefully save time in the long run. Instead of cowboy coding, taking the time to plan data structures, component hierarchy, architecture, etc., may seem like a burden initially, but it will hopefully pay off down the road.

There is a sense that too much planning could result in diminishing returns. After all, this project is all about taking action and failing fast. I would much rather fail miserably in a month than slowly over a year. As Prof G says, "the second best thing behind success is quick failure."

Daily Summary

Planning of data structures

Planning component hierarchy

Planning how to not procrastinate so that I'm not always doing this stuff at 10pm and later 😄