#018 - Creating my own passion

Creating guardrails for my own projects has helped me get started and stay committed to making progress. Being deliberate about what I want to accomplish every day motivates me to make sure something gets done each day, no matter how large or small. When I have set goals in the past, they were often too lofty to gain any sort of momentum. For me, it's better to set attainable goals that can be done every day. There seems to be an unwritten rule of thumb that says it takes about 2 weeks to make or break a habit. Currently, I'm on week 2+ of this blog and week 1+ of my soccer guessing game. I feel a bit of momentum when it comes to these two projects. Every day, it's less of reminding myself I want to get these things done and more of wanting to get these things done, so it's a matter of making time for it.
Daily summary
Created a temporary random number generator so that each day a new club crest is shown. This is temporary since it will need to eventually be more sophisticated.
Investigated using the React Context API for storage of which club crest is current for the day. This could also be helpful in the future as the game grows.