#019 - Context is key

Getting back into coding has been fun. The last gig I worked on was in React and React Native. It's been fun and interesting learning more outside the context of "work." I don't have anyone to answer to about my progress except myself. There are no stand-up meetings where I feel compelled to say something even if I don't have much to say. There are barely any requirements, besides the bullet points here and scribbles there about what I want to get done. It's certainly better than nothing to have a Trello board where I can keep track of a few items while I get this game off the ground. In addition, I want to keep a paper trail of my progress in case another developer joins me (if I were so lucky).
Previously, I have stayed away from using the Context API or other state machines so early on in a project. This time, I decided to introduce it rather early on. We'll see how it turns out...
Daily Summary
Created a simple context object so I can keep track of some data across the appilcation
Implemented it in to the Crest component