#022 - Now we're cooking

#022 - Now we're cooking

As this project progresses, the complexity starts to creep in. I am now at the point where I can start thinking about persistent data stores and game logic. Tackling the data store issue was what I spent most of my day on. My main focus has been finding a solution for the club crests. I will need some way of storing club crests in two forms: one for the answer and one in greyscale for the user to guess.

Unfortunately, I have not been able to find a suitable API that provides the data I am looking for. Of the ones I have found, none quite fit my needs, and some charge for usage. For now, the goal will be to create the two sets of images for the English Premier League. With that league only having 20 teams, it will be tedious, but it will allow me to keep making progress. Don't let perfect be the enemy of good enough.

Daily summary

Researched APIs for club information...no luck yet

Started building the data set for the EPL