#027 - Learn from others

#027 - Learn from others

For as long as I have been involved in technology as a profession, trips to Hacker News have been a daily occurrence. It provides entertainment and education on what is happening at the bleeding edge of technology. Each day, there are interesting blogs, videos, and articles about everything from entrepreneurship to Euclid's proof that √2 is irrational.

Every now and then, a headline catches my eye that intrigues me. Today there were two: On Finishing Things and I've Built My First Successful Side Project, and I Hate It. I enjoy reading about others who are early in their entrepreneurship journeys, like me. Reading about their stories and side projects gives me the motivation to show up today and keeps me excited for tomorrow to make my own progress. In this day and age, greatness is in the agency of others (Prof G, again!). Never has it been so accessible to try out being an entrepreneur, especially on the internet.

Daily Summary

Created a correct answer card that displays details about the team

Added some more details for each team in the temp database