#037 - Am I limiting myself?

#037 - Am I limiting myself?

As of right now I am the least busy I will ever be. The entire set of possibilities is open to me. Over the past 3ish months I have been exploring almost every opportunity that I have come across. Everything from car washes and vending machines to software startups and consulting businesses. The one thing I have learned so far is that I may have been limiting myself prior to my most recent spell of unemployment. The thing about entrepreneurs is that they are excited by any opportunity no matter what it is. In a way, they don't often see themselves as above anything (at least the successful ones).

The first point of this blog is to document my research around problems and ideas. The second point is to document building and execution of ideas. The third point is to be able to look back in 10 years at all the progress I will have hopefully made. A corollary to that is to be able to share it with the world (e.g. building in public).

Daily summary

Styled the header component

Added background images of stadiums