#038 - Is it time to move on?

#038 - Is it time to move on?

Over the past few days I have struggled with motivating myself to keep working on this project. I have gotten some good feedback, but obviously nothing that makes it seem like I have a business on my hands. That's ok. The primary focus of this project was to work on the "just launch it" muscle. Don't overthink, just do it. Don't get bogged down by details, just make stuff and see what sticks. At the same time I don't want to get into a sunk cost situation. I have no shortage of other ideas so it may be worth it to leave this one where it is, take some learnings, and move on down the road. Most important is to take and apply those learnings to the next project.

Daily summary

Some header styling updates

Added some hints (will be some further logic to these)