#039 - Exploring a new business idea (one that might make money, even)

#039 - Exploring a new business idea (one that might make money, even)

The pressure to make money is slowly mounting on my conscience. Since being laid off, I have not felt too much of it, but as the days and months go on the reality becomes much clearer. The tech industry and job market at the moment are not as strong as they have been in the past couple of years. As recently as 2-3 years ago it felt like I could change jobs every 6 months to a year and get a significant salary bump. That unfortunately does not seem to be the case anymore. However, I feel confident in the skills I have that I could find a job if absolutely necessary (hopefully).

I am refining my approach to businesses. As much as I would like to build the next tech unicorn, that is probably not likely to happen. With that being said, I like boring businesses. They can be reliable, unlike the software startup jobs I have had thus far. One boring business I am exploring is vending machines. They are everywhere and have a low barrier to entry. Stay tuned.