#040 - Out of the comfort zone

#040 - Out of the comfort zone

It's a new month (I know we're 9 days in), so it's time to set a new audacious, yet achievable goal. Instead of building an application this month, I am going to explore creating a real business that makes money. Maybe trying to make money on the internet isn't the best use of my time at the moment. So, for the rest of this month, I'm narrowing my focus to finding a "boring" business.

This month's theme is vending machines—a $56 billion industry that everyone knows and (maybe) loves. They are everywhere. I like that it has a relatively low barrier to entry (less than $10,000 in startup costs) and can be run entirely by one person. While it's unlikely to break the bank, it's another exercise in cementing my new "just ship it" attitude.

I've always been a shy person, so this venture will push me far outside of my comfort zone. Additionally, I've never been a salesman by any stretch of the imagination. This will require me to talk to people most of the day, which isn't something a software developer dreams happily about.

Here we go!