#041 - Coffee is for closers

#041 - Coffee is for closers

Sales has always been an anomaly to me. The way it is depicted in media, television, and movies makes it seem like it involves the scummiest people and always ends up with a loser. The salesman is usually wearing a fancy suit, perfectly quaffed hair, and a bunch of material on why a certain person or business needs to buy an expensive product. Maybe it's partially true, but that just isn't me.

The opening scene of Glengarry Glen Ross is what comes to mind. The speech given by Alec Baldwin is both hilarious to watch and terrifying as someone diving in to the sales world. 9/10 times I will fail, but that is probably true for anything entrepreneurial.

The hardest part is getting started. The more "no"s the better, that means I'm trying. This is an exercise in numbing my feeling of rejection. The first few will sting, but as with anything the more reps you do the easier it becomes.

A goal:
5 cold calls a day to businesses